Saturday, January 17th, 2009 AT 12:14 AM
Vehilcle exhibits sputtering/stalling after being driven then parked, then restarted on hot days only, problem does not occur at any other time. New related problem today, would not start at all in same manner. (Battery is new spring 08', no other known electrical or mechanical problems, runs fine 99% of the time). After sitting for 2-3 hours started again, and all seems fine. Have had Ford look at on two different occasions, no long term solution found. There were spontaneous stalling problems reported for this model year to NHTSA. Investigation concluded fuel system was at fault, but some plaintiffs reported mfr.'S repairs not fixing the problem. Also, in our case, problem only occurs in hot weather. Baffled and do not want to spend more money for dealership to troubleshoot.