2000 Ford Focus Speedometer

  • 2000 FORD FOCUS
Electrical problem
2000 Ford Focus Front Wheel Drive Manual 124000 miles

Occassionally the speedomoeter will stop working whilst car is moving. Then warning light and then the car will cut out completely, steering goes etc.
Please inform of possible faults as everytime I take to a garage sods law and it works fine. My fear is I was driving with my son the other day and had to put foot on clutch and turnover engine really quickly.

Thanks for your assistance
Wednesday, March 31st, 2010 AT 7:01 AM

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  • 8 POSTS
Normally, and I stress NORMALLY, when a car cut's out the electrical system's like that it's a result of 1 of 4 things. The alternator, the battery, a connection is loose or no longer grounded, or there's a short or an exposed wire somewhere. I'd first check the battery and alternator. They're normally, and I stress normally again, the main two culprits. If that isn't the case check back in and we can narrow it down from there.
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Thursday, May 13th, 2010 AT 11:21 PM

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