Monday, March 8th, 2010 AT 9:12 PM
A couple of months ago, I replace the calipers and pads on the front of my F150. I notice that the truck seemed to be dragging and that the front rims were really warm. Someone suggested that I should replace the short brake lines that connect the medal tubing to the calipers, which I did. At that point I started to bleed the system (with the car running) and noticed that the brake pedal went to the floor, but I tried to bleed the system with no change. When the truck is off you can pump the brake and it firms up a little. After talking to the parts guy, he stated that it was the Brake Cylinder. So with a little help and bench bleeding the new Brake Cylinder, I put it on the truck only to find that it didn't fix the issue. Now some people say it might be the Brake Booster! Please help!