Air conditioner only blasts hot air

Six cylinder four wheel drive automatic 86,000 miles.

My air conditioner is only putting out hot air. It will not put out cold air. For several weeks I would get water puddling under the A/C unit when I would turn the truck off. I thought this was condensation. Now, no puddling and no cold air. The fan works fine blowing warm or hot air. What is the possible problem and solution?

Thank you!
Sunday, September 13th, 2009 AT 7:27 PM

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A/C blowing warm air only and no cool air? Your A/C cooling problem could be caused by any of the following:

Your A/C system may have lost its charge of refrigerant, or the compressor may not be engaging when you turn on the A/C, or the blend air door inside the HVAC unit may be stuck in the heat position so no air goes through the A/C evaporator.

Start with the compressor. Does it engage when you turn on the A/C?

If so, the compressor is working and the A/C system probably contains enough refrigerant to make cold air, so the problem is inside the HVAC unit. Replace the motor that controls the blend air door (this is a difficult job and best left to a professional since it involves tearing apart the HVAC unit. It is about an eight to ten hour job.

If the compressor does not engage when you turn on the A/C, see if it will run by jumping the compressor clutch wire directly to the battery (use a fused jumper wire). If the compressor works when you jump it, and the A/C blows cold air, the system contains refrigerant and the fault is likely a bad A/C compressor clutch relay or a bad clutch cycling switch or pressure switch.

If the compressor does not engage when you jump it, the problem is a bad compressor clutch.

If the clutch engages but the compressor does not turn (the belt will start to slip and squeal), the compressor is locked up and you need a new compressor.

If the compressor clutch engages and turns the compressor, but the A/C still does not blow cold air, the system is probably low on refrigerant and needs to be recharged. If you have an A/C gauge set, hook it up and see if the system has any pressure.

If it is out of refrigerant or is low, check for leaks, then have the A/C system vacuum purged to remove air. After the air is out, it can be recharged with the specified amount of refrigerant. It is important to get any air out as this will reduce cooling efficiency and may make the compressor noisy
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Monday, September 14th, 2009 AT 12:07 AM

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