2004 Ford Expedition Cracked Transfer Case

  • V8
  • 4WD
  • 75,000 MILES
I had some transmission fluid on my garage, so I took it to my Ford dealer and they said it was a hairline crack in the transfer case ~ $1500 to fix. I then took to two other transmission repair shops for quote and one told me the crack was right at the oil plug and looked to him like it was overtightened and that most likely caused the crack. I had my transfer case fluid changed @ 60,000 miles by the ford dealer that gave me the quote for the repair now @ 75,000 miles. Is it possible that overtightening caused the crack, if not, what would, if so, how do I prove it?
Monday, October 12th, 2009 AT 2:43 PM

1 Reply

  • 109,913 POSTS
That is a hard one to prove. The case is made of aluminum, so I would think the threads would strip before cracking the case. But, anything can happen. As for the dealer, I would talk with the manager and explain what you think has happened. Tell them they are the only ones that worked on it; thus, you feel they are responsible. Their arguement is going to be why did it take 15K for you to realize there was a problem. I don't know where you park it, but if it is over gravel or dirt, then you wouldn't have realized it.

If the crack is only a hair line crack, has anyone suggested trying to repair it rather than replace it?
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Saturday, October 24th, 2009 AT 8:17 PM

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