Hi! I have a 97 Escort, body style same as 2000 Escort. Proabably same brake drum removal. You see the two Philips screws in front of the drum. It is hard to remove it with an ordinary philips screwdriver. If you can---good, if not, you have to buy an impact screwdriver set. ($8.00) The impact screwdriver has two adjustments which is counterclockwise and clockwise position. Adjust the impact screwdriver in counterclockwise position to loosen screw. Insert this impact screwdriver in the philips screw and hit the backend (other end) of this impact screwdriver with a hammer. This will loosen the two philips screws. Now once you remove the two screws, removing the drum is hard because of rust and dirt. Look for a 1/4 inch hole with a threaded portion in it located on the front of the drum(not the philips screw holes but close to it). Release the handbrake and insert/screw the correct threaded bolt in it so as to push out the drum from the brake housing. I do not know the size of the bolt but I used a 1/2 size socket wrench. Then, I removed both brake drums at the same time BUT remove left (drivers side) or right side (front passenger side) brake shoes first. One side at a time. If I forgot how to install the brake shoes on the passenger side, I just go to the drivers side and compare it. Hope this helps.
Tuesday, August 28th, 2007 AT 11:23 PM