1995 Ford Escort Fuel Filter Maybe

  • 1995 FORD ESCORT
  • 4 CYL
  • FWD
  • 151,500 MILES
My car has 151,500 miles on it. A few months ago my car was sort of stuttering, like it was just having a hard time running, so my fiance and I replaced my spark plugs and wires. Well the shaking and stuttering quit for maybe like a week well now my car is shaking and stuttering really bad. After my car has sat overnight and I start it up and go to work it doesn't stutter or act like it might die on me. But if I just go somewhere for a couple of minutes and get back in my car the car shakes and stammers like crazy. My fiance and a couple of the guys he works with said it could possibly be my fuel filter because it acts like it isn't getting enough fuel to the engine or something. We think it might be severly clogged. But once I get my car going on the highway it quites stuttering and shaking. It kind of jerks a little bit. It just acts like it's not getting enough fuel or something. It does it when I slow down to turn and go up a hill sometimes also. Is my fuel filter the problem?
Friday, November 21st, 2008 AT 9:47 PM

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  • 16,542 POSTS
That is quiet possible and it is a relatively easy and cheap solution. However, before you start replacing parts, you may consider running some fuel injector cleaner through the system to ensure that your fuel injectors are not clogged.
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Friday, November 21st, 2008 AT 10:08 PM

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