Tuesday, October 12th, 2010 AT 10:03 AM
I just replaced my transmission and torque coverter with ones from Ebay User: Ameritranz. Item # 220538909824. Everything went well except that I forgot to prime the TC upon installation. I looked it up in google and some trans. Experts seemed to think I would be ok because the TC would fill imediatly after start up. I would just have to pay attention and add fluid imediatly when needed. After many hours of hard labor the trans and TC are replaced but now I have more problems. In reverse, on jack stands the wheels move but on the ground, the wheels do not move much at all, only slipping. In drive, on the ground, you must rev it and then it kicks into gear but it slips a lot to move the vehicle. In Second, same thing but a little less slipping. In first, same thing, but less slipping and bangs a little harder into gear when reving. Once you rev it a little and it goes into gear, it almost feels normal. I did make sure the TC was fully seated by measuring. Any help would be greatly appreciated.