They cannot be tested with an ohm meter. There are all kinds of circuitry inside them. The preliminary tests include measuring the 5.0-volt feed and ground wires. Beyond that, you need a scanner to look at live data to see if their signals are showing up at the Engine Computer.
The connector has to be plugged in to take the voltage readings. You have to back-probe the wires through the rubber seals in the connector body. Some engines use 8.0 volts, 10 volts, or even a few use 12 volts for the power supply instead of the more common 5.0 volts. Expect to find 0.2 volts on the ground wire. The signal voltage will be close to 0.2 volts or the supply voltage. With some designs, that voltage will change state as you slowly rotate the crankshaft by hand. Some designs will not change state until a minimum speed is reached. This is where you need the scanner to determine if the signals are being generated.
Friday, March 3rd, 2017 AT 5:59 PM