If you smell fuel, there is likely a leak. Any fuel leak is dangerous, so we need to start looking for evidence of the leak.
Are you able to determine where the odor is strongest? For example, does it seem to come from the engine compartment or is it stronger near the rear of the vehicle?
I attached a few pictures below. The first two are under the vehicle and above the exhaust. See if there is anything that would indicate a leak. Check for marks on plastic parts where fuel may have run. Pic 2 is above the shield in pic 1. You can see the fuel lines.
Picture three is under the hood. It shows the fuel lines from the tank to the high-pressure fuel pump and then to the fuel rail/injectors. Check these lines as well as around the injectors for evidence.
Let me know what you find.
Take care,
See pics below.
Images (Click to make bigger)
Saturday, December 28th, 2024 AT 9:30 PM