Okay. The next thing we need to do is remove the blend door actuator for the driver's side blend door. See the attached procedure. Once it's removed, you should be able to grasp the small gear on the housing(under where the actuator was mounted) and manually move the blend door from full cold to full hot(you should feel it hit a stop on both ends). While doing this, feel the air coming from the driver's side vents and see if it changes temperature accordingly. If you're able to change the temperature, the blend door actuator is most likely failed and needs replaced. Now if for some reason you don't feel the stops when turning the gear, the blend door itself is most likely broken inside the housing. If that's the case, the dash and housing will need to be removed from the vehicle to replace the door.
Let me know what you find!
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Wednesday, November 6th, 2019 AT 9:45 PM