1997 Dodge Intrepid 6 cyl Front Wheel Drive Automatic
i took my mother out of town, its very cold outside right now and when we got to where we were going I noticed that my temp. Gauge had not moved the whole time I was gone, my heat was blowing out luke warm.I drove it home and when I got here my car was making this horrible ticking sound like the liffters, now my car has a oil leak and me being not a fair mechanic went to the auto store and put 2 qt of oil in, drove it back home, well it stoped making the ticking sound but is blowing white smoke(a lot of smoke)out of the exsaughst and under the hood. Please help. Did I blow the head gasket?There doesent seem to be any water in the oil, smoke smells like burnt oil, and my temp gauge is working now and coolent level is good. Did I put to much oil in my car?
Wednesday, December 24th, 2008 AT 3:55 PM