2001 Dodge Dakota Engine performance

  • 6 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 68,000 MILES
After start-up and ideling for about a minute I begin to drive the truck. Within 1/4 to 1/2 mile the engine lays down. That is, it will not responde to the throttle. If I continue to press the throttle down the engine will pop thru the throttle body. If I place the transmission in 2nd. The engine will rev up but still will not respond to the increase in throttle. This will continue for about 2 to 3 miles then go away and the truck will run fine. If I have to stop while this is going on the engine idles very rough. Sometimes while I'm driving during this event the engine light will flash but not stay on. When I check for codes they will show P0300, P0303, P0305 and a few times P0301. Once I had a P0132. If I stop and let the truck sit for 45 minutes or more the events will start again. If I let the truck idle for 5 to 10 minutes after starting I do not have a problem. I've replaced rotor, distributor cap, plug wires, TPS and sensor in distributor. The replacing of the sensor in the distrbutor made a noticeable improvement but no complete fix. Thank You
Wednesday, February 4th, 2009 AT 9:47 AM

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  • 16,098 POSTS
Hello, Anything can cause a misfire code, fuel, spark, compression. P0300 is usually a problem that is common to all cylinders. The other misfire codes you listed were individual cylinders, driver side bank.

The last one was bank1 sensor1, 02 sensor high voltage--rich. I can't say the sensor is faulty, I'd have to check the circuits.

I did see a bulletin about acceleration sag and tranny shift, but, that was for a warmed-up engine, I don't think it applies here?
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Wednesday, February 4th, 2009 AT 10:26 AM

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