Do you mean the engine cranks over and wil not start or won't crank engine over at all.
1. If the engine cranks over and will not start do below
Get a carb cleaner and spray into the carb or the throttle body on an EFI. Did it start and die? If not disconnect a sparkplug wire or 2 and ground it to the engine -have helper crank engine over-do you have a snapping blue spark? If so-you have a fuel problem, check the fuel pressure to rule out the fuel pump/pressure regulator and listen to the injector/s are they pulsing or hook up a noid light.
Fuel pump and Injector/s checks out-start checking the ignition system-power to coil, coil/s itself,distributor pick-up,control module, Cam and Crankshaft sensors.
If both fuel and spark is present-check the valve and ignition timing, this will lead you to problems with compression and valves opening and closing at the wrong time
2 won't crank engine over at all.
Make sure the battery is in good condition and properly cleaned/tightened. Have helper hold key in start position find the starter and bang on it-if it cranks the engine over-replace the starter if not start looking for power at the starter solenoid small terminal with a brown wire-no power there check starter relay. Also see wiring diagram below for troubleshooting
Good Luck
Saturday, April 5th, 2008 AT 6:04 AM