2000 Dodge Caravan emergency cable release

Brakes problem
2000 Dodge Caravan 6 cyl Front Wheel Drive Automatic

My dashboard brake light came on and I stopped and put some brake fluid in my van. While getting back in the van I accidently hit the emergency barke with my foot. I then pushed the emergency brake down with my foot to release it and it stayed pushed in and would not release back up. When I tried to drive my 2000 dodge caravan it would not move becuase the EM barke is stuck.

how can I release the emergency brake from the back wheels.

I could not drive my vehicle so I had it towed home.

How can I release the emergency brake cable so I can drive my vehicle.

Wednesday, December 30th, 2009 AT 3:43 PM

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It uses three. You have to isolate the cable that is sticking. I always find the rear one on either side to be stuck, I go into the system from the drum, and do the best I can to release tension, if it is the front cable attached to the lever you can just change or sometimes free it up by using lubrication. A drum is tough to get off like this but it usually requires a puller or quite a bit of work to release the cable, it could be both rear cables. Drum must come off, then you can replace them. You can just grab the drum and the shoes come with them. Disks are different. Easier. Small drums or a release can be used. Its in the service manuel, check it if you never worked with these before, look up your year and system. Not easy. Ok?
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Thursday, February 25th, 2021 AT 8:24 AM

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