the first that happened was that the alarm would start going off, usually in the evening, and powering down as the battery drained to nothing.
"auto zone" said possibly alternator needed replacing.
two mechanics say the alternator has been checked.
i have been able to drive after the car has been charged and driven around on the freeway for some amount of time. It seems that this problem had been reocurring for a while rarely and a every once in a while.
the last time in the most recent shop, it shows that it had been driven about 21 miles.
so it was brought home and battery had lasted through the next day and a half.
sometimes, a battery charge will last up to three days but not more usually.
then it was driven a shorter distance under ten miles and was dead the next day.
so at the last shop, the alarm and electric door locks have been disconnected but the alarm replaced but the last guy was unable to reconnect the electric door locks that I was very unhappy with. Should he be responsible to repair the door locks that he did not put back in place? He claimed that the car was already "going down" before that and also failed to be there that day when I went to get the car to speak to me.
so, this problem is worse and worse. I am afraid to go anywhere as I may have to always be sure I am parked in a position thay jumper cables will reach. I am a single retired teacher older woman. I have been stranded at a gas station when I was afraid to pump gas cause I could not get it started again.
please advise. I really need your help and cannot afford alot of car repair right now or a new car. I appreciate your great help. Thank you so much! God bless! As soon as I can I would like to donate to you. Thank you.
Monday, June 22nd, 2009 AT 1:38 PM