1996 Dodge Avenger stalls

  • 6 CYL
  • FWD
  • 156,678 MILES
My 1996 dodge avenger es stalls out at random times no codes come up and no check engine lite comes on I have changed plugs wires cap rotor all o2 sensors have spark and fuel im at a loss when driving it will just turn off like you turn the key off and it will do it when sitting idleing sometimes starts right back up others it wont for 30 to 60 minutes any help would be great
Thursday, August 20th, 2009 AT 11:03 AM

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  • 1,320 POSTS
You going to have to see if its spark, or fuel that is causing this condition. A very small time of electrical loss will not throw a code. So see if you can get it to shut off by moving the wiring and connectors to the different sensors, computer, and harnesses. Inside the car and outside. Tap the related sensors with a little hammer very lightly. Especially the cam and crank sensors. If no luck, put a fuel guage on it and check it while it happens because even a short instant loss of fuel could shut it off. Pull out every fuse and put it back, inside and under the hood. Without a scanner thats just about all you can do. With a scanner you could just drive it around or better have someone else drive it around and watch what is going on with all the sensors. Then decide if you should start spending money installing parts. They are so expensive. I, m sorry but that would be the only way I would try. There is a right side kick panel area to check and it is important. Gotta Go.
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Tuesday, September 8th, 2009 AT 2:07 PM

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