Okay. We need to start with checking for codes. The defrost only is a default when there is an issue with the system. Basically it is a programmed feature that these vehicles have so that no matter what you will always be able to defrost your windows. So when there is an issue the doors automatically revert to defrost. Thing about if you were not able to move your HVAC position and it was stuck on the floor. Then driving down the road your windows started fogging. You would not be able to defrost them and it could become a safety issue if you can't see.
They do the same thing with the headlights and wipers. If there is an issue with the systems, they just automatically turn on.
If you can't pull codes, most parts stores can pull them free of charge. This could just be an actuator or more complicated like a control module. Clearly we don't want to guess so let me know what they are and we can go from there. Thanks
Saturday, February 15th, 2020 AT 12:26 PM