Complete brake failure?

  • 2001 HONDA CIVIC
  • 1.7L
  • 4 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 220,000 MILES
About 4 days ago my brake pedal started to feel like it was going out. It would slowly take more time to stop and then suddenly just completely went out within a 24-hour period. I have tried bleeding my brakes, bench bleeding the master cylinder, and testing the brake booster. There are no leaks, and no brake fluid loss in the master cylinder. I'm at a loss. My brakes do not engage at all, and my brake pedal has absolutely no pressure. Please help!
Monday, September 11th, 2023 AT 1:37 AM

4 Replies

  • 653 POSTS
Hello PAGE0210,

Can you remember if it pulled to one side when you drove it last?

Is the brake warning light or the ABS warning light on?

It could be a stuck caliper or maybe a wheel cylinder but sounds more like the master to me. So, you removed the master and bench bled it?

How did the piston feel when you were bleeding it, did it feel like it was binding at all?

Sometimes the seal inside that separates the front and rear brake circuits from the reservoir can go, then there is no pressure in the system. It may also bind leaving you with no pedal.

If you have drum brakes in the rear, I would pull them and look at the wheel cylinders too.

Have you done or had any brake work done recently?

Any other symptoms like excessive heat from one wheel, smell or smoke?

Thank you,
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Monday, September 11th, 2023 AT 5:39 PM
  • 15 POSTS
It did not pull one way or the other enough to notice, the ABS light would pop on for a second or two every now and again but would turn right off and ever since the brakes failed the ABS and the brake light have not been on either at acc or motor running.
I removed the master and bench bled it; the old fluid was so dark it was almost like soda. But I did that put the master back on, bled everything thoroughly and used 2 cans of dot 3 to make sure the old was flushed. The piston wasn't binding, it was actually the opposite. It felt too easy to move. No smells, no burning brakes.
As far as brake work, I always do my own brakes, every oil change I pull them, clean them and regreased them. I've done this ever since my first car. But the last time I actually changed a caliper/pads/rotor was last winter.
Also, this is going to make you shake your head. I know it made me do a double take when I got the car. I've attached a picture of the ABS module. I have not had my rear left (drum) brake since I was given this car last February. It is pinched off at the valve. No air or issues with the line or any braking problems with that anyway. Long list of things that need fixed and it's my only car. Thank you for your help in my situation. My family's livelihood depends on this vehicle, I appreciate what you guys do.
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Monday, September 11th, 2023 AT 6:38 PM
  • 15 POSTS
Here's the ABS.
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Monday, September 11th, 2023 AT 6:40 PM
  • 653 POSTS
Hello PAGE0210,

You're welcome. My pleasure.

Air might have entered the ABS module, even if it was a little at a time, through this. Even if fluid doesn't. If this is the case, you can try cracking each line at the module one at a time, except for the cut one, while someone works the pedal.

Then bleed it at the wheels.

See if you get any air out of it.

Of course, this is only a temporary solution until you are able to fix the rest of the system.

You could use some of these (see image) and remove that piece of line and fittings and see if it will get a better seal. I have never used them, but it might be a better solution for now.

Not the best way but should keep it from happening again until it is fixed as long as it seals and there no other way for air to get in.

Thank you,
Was this
Monday, September 11th, 2023 AT 7:26 PM

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