43 is a code relating to the spark control. About 50% of the time it's a bad knock sensor. However it can also be the wiring, the ESM in the distributor or the ECM. If you have a timing light you can check the sensor by looking at the timing and tapping on the top of the engine with a metal hammer. If the sensor and wiring are OK the timing should retard by 4 degrees. Look on the sticker for the normal timing, I believe it is 0 degrees BTDC. So if you look and the timing is at 0 and tapping on the block makes it go to 4 degrees BTDC, the sensor and wiring are likely ok and the problem is elsewhere. If the timing doesn't move or seems stuck at 4 BTDC, unplug the sensor and see if it changes. The sensor is screwed into the block on the side about 4 inches in front of the starter motor. Another test is to use an ohmmeter on the sensor with it installed. From the wire terminal to the engine block should be 3900 ohms. Be gentle installing a new one, 14 ft pounds or a good hand tight. The sensor goes into the water jacket on most engines, they usually come with sealer on them. A trick to remove and install a replacement is to have someone squeeze the radiator hose, then release it as soon as you are ready to remove the sensor. Swap the new one in fast and you might lose a pint of coolant if you time it right.
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Wednesday, January 8th, 2020 AT 9:58 PM