Monday, March 20th, 2017 AT 3:30 AM
Hello all, please I have similar problem but in different form. I bought my car last year at 107km miles, but presently with 120km miles. Recently I was declining from hill when I suddenly lose power on my accelerator and "check engine sign" showed in yellow on my dashboard with oil an battery indicator in Red. I put of the ignition and restart, to drive it home, but the check engine sign remain on the dashboard. After diagnostic scan code P0191 Fuel rail pressure sensor circuit/performance was shown and it was changes. After one week of using, it came up while was on highway at 120km. I was able to manage it back to the mechanic. And a routine service was carried on it. He advice I drive it for a complete cycle to see it will happen again. 3 days after, its occur again (i.E the engine lose power, that accelerator was ineffective and check engine sign came up) while my wife was driving BUT this time when she put it off and re-start the engine, lo there was no check engine sign again. But has anyone experience such issues on his SUV either tribute or Mazda of same model. What did you change apart from Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor? It happens again on Saturday, the check engine sign came up and engine short-off. Several attempt to restart was going of intermittently. I had to let it rest some few minute before its start. I drove it again to my mechanic and this time we planned to check fuel pump and filter. Has anyone experience this issue before? Thanks for feedback.