I bought my '02 Chrysler T and C minivan aound June.
It always started up fine but I raely drove it.
It's been sitting in my driveway because I plan to fix brakes and then sell.
Meanwhile, the last time it started it ran for 5 seconds and conked out. Then I started it and revved it and it held. Then I left it sitting outside and didn't try to start it for a few weeks.
When I went to try and start it a few weeks later, the battery was fine and the starter kept turning over and over but there was never any ignition. And therefore it would not ignite. Eventually the battery died out after many tries. I know it has a half tank of gas so that's not the reason.
So why isn't it firing?
Thanks in advance for anyone with some theories.
Saturday, October 17th, 2009 AT 6:14 PM