I tried turning the car on and nothing happened. The dash lights and interior lights still came on as well as the windshield wipers and power windows etc. But the car didn't turn over at all. There was complete silence. We tried jump starting the car too but it was the same thing. We put in a new battery as well as tried moving around the relay modules but that didn't help either.
We replaced our starter last year. This time, my husband tried knocking the starter w/ a hammer to see if that would help but didn't get anything with that either. We looked at the fuses and they all seem fine.
When we try to start the car the lights are just as bright when the key is in any of the positions. Also, there are no dash lights in the on position but in the start position there are dash lights. When I try to turn the car over, the dash lights stay on.
Additionally, when I turn the car to the start position there's a mechanical sounding noise (similar to a seat moving) coming from behind the glove box. The noise is for about 2-3 seconds. It makes the sound when we turn the key off too.
I'm wondering if we need to check spark plugs or wires? The battery connections seems fine. Could it be the alternator?
We've had issues with the 'on'positon draining life from the battery where it's made it difficult to start the car &/or it required a jump. We've never had it to the point where we can't get it started at all.
We were hoping it was a fuse but the only box is under the hood and there don't seem to be fuses (that would be bad) that are connected to this issue?
Even if we replaced the starter last year (DIY) could it be bad again? We're already out 130.00 bucks for a new battery and fuses that we didn't need.
Any advice? Thank you.
Saturday, November 28th, 2009 AT 8:25 AM