Van was seemingly starving for fuel during hard acceleration. Accelerating from a stop would cause bucking as if starving for fuel. Cure would be to let off slightly and continue. Slower acceleration would relieve problem temporarily. I have replaced fuel filter (3 weeks ago, coil (replaced 1 month ago (cap, rotor and wires)), and fuel pump (2 week ago). I disabled the fuel regulator with no change in performance. I decided to live with it.
The Van completely quit the other day in what may be an unrelated problem. I have taken off the air take and injectors and found gas in fuel rails on top of injectors. I can pour a little gas in to air take and start vehicle. I am thinking that my injectors are not opening. I put a test light on one injector and this only comes on once when you turn ignition key on. I believe this to be testing the injector circuit. Turning key further to crank engine and the test light on injector does not light. I have received fault codes - 12 (battery recently disconnected). SOMETIMES during my search I have at different times received #11 (no ignition reference signal during cranking (bad hall effect) or timing belt skipped, code #24 (throttle position sensor), and #25 (automatic idle speed (AIS) motor drive circuit shorted. I understand that these faults should not stop the engine from starting. I have also put on another ground wire to make sure the ground is there for this circuit. I do have spark and the motor will run if I pour gas in thru the air intake.
My family loves your web site. Thank you for any help anyone may offer.
Sunday, January 15th, 2006 AT 4:27 PM