You have to be more specific. When my students diagnosed a wire with a break, ... Somewhere, the common thought was to just run a new wire. Left unrepaired, that COULD lead to major trouble later. The problem is if they don't search for the break, they can't know WHY it broke. If it was rubbing on a sharp piece of plastic or a metal bracket, how long before the next wire in the harness breaks? And which circuit is that wire for? And where will you be sitting on the side on the road on a Saturday night after midnight?
Did a wire harness fall down onto a hot exhaust part? If the wire insulation melted, and the wire shorted out causing a fuse to blow, how long before that happens to the next wire? That next wire could cause an overload to a computer circuit damaging the computer. Some computers cost more than a thousand dollars including installation and programming.
Alternator brushes and starter solenoid contacts wear with use and become intermittent. Eventually the starter motor won't crank the engine. Call a tow truck. Would have been less expensive to just fix it right away. An intermittent alternator will cause all kinds of weird problems due to all the unreliable computers on the car getting confused because of low system voltage.
Fuel pump motors can be intermittent too. How cold will it be and where will you be stranded when the pump refuses to start up?
These are just a few examples. If you provide a specific symptom and reason you don't want to fix it, we can give a better scenario of what could happen.
Thursday, February 25th, 2010 AT 6:31 AM