1997 Chevy S-10 6 cyl Automatic 174800 miles
Hello, over the past 2 weeks when I drive my warning lights come on and then the truck shuts off but yet my music still works/ my ac still runs and I have to pull over and restart the key. It was very sporadic. I replaced the battery b/c it tested bad. I drove it 2 days ago alot and never shut off, then yesterday on my way out it would not stay on and 5 miles away from home after shutting off 5-6 times I had to get towed home b/c it would not start. The engine turns over like its going to start but never does. Any idea what could be wrong? I am thinking fuel pump, auto shops charge $100 just to get it hooked up to a 'scanner'. Thanks!
Wednesday, September 24th, 2008 AT 1:21 PM