On 1996-99 vehicles the slave cylinder is called a concentric slave cylinder. It is located on the inside of the transmission bell housing on the input shaft. Removal of the transmission is required to replace it. It directly engages the clutch release bearing.

Remove the transmission.
Remove the 2 bolts securing the concentric slave cylinder to the transmission and input shaft.
Remove the concentric slave cylinder from the input shaft.

Fig. 4: The concentric slave cylinder is retained by two bolts
Fig. 5: Unfasten the concentric slave cylinder bolts ...
Fig. 6: ... and remove the slave cylinder from the transmission by sliding it off the shaft
To install:
Install the concentric slave cylinder over the transmission input shaft making sure the bleed screw and coupling are properly positioned and install 2 bolts.

Tighten the bolts to 80 inch lbs. (9 Nm).

Install the transmission.
Bleed the clutch hydraulic system.
See Figures 7 and 8

Fig. 7: Location of the hydraulic clutch bleed screw

Fig. 8: Have an assistant fully depress and hold the clutch pedal, then open the bleeder screw of the slave cylinder or concentric cylinder using a box-end wrench
Bleeding air from the hydraulic clutch system is necessary whenever any part of the system has been disconnected or the fluid level (in the reservoir) has been allowed to fall so low, that air has been drawn into the master cylinder.
Fill master cylinder reservoir with new brake fluid conforming to DOT 3 specifications. Check manufactures recommendations for each vehicle.
Wednesday, May 7th, 2008 AT 9:21 PM