Take a look at this image below. I am pretty confident that this is what you are seeing. This is the symbol for low coolant.
This could be due to a leak, so we need to start with filling the system using this guide:
Then we need to pressure test the system to find out if there are leaks.
Basically, you pressurize the system and see if it will hold the pressure and then look for leaks if the pressure starts to drop.
Once we know this info, we will be able to better know what the issue is.
If you find no leaks, then we need to check the oil and do a head gasket test.
Clearly this is the worst-case scenario but if you are low on coolant then it is going somewhere.
Please run through this info and let us know what questions you have.
Image (Click to make bigger)
Friday, January 14th, 2022 AT 4:43 PM