Monday, April 21st, 2008 AT 9:07 AM
Car would start ok then after a short while it would run rough than stall. Wait a while it would start @ repeat run than stall the mechanic said it was the fuel pump and filter they replaced those items. But the car still stalled when they test drove the car. Then they said the car was ready. When I got there they said they found the wires going to the crank SHAFT sensor were faired and burnt so they replaced the wire. COULD THIS HAVE BEEN THE REASON FOR THE STALLING AND NOT THE FUEL PUMP AND FILTER. Also some times the car starts to run rough the engine check light flashes, then stays on but then the next day the engine check light is off and stays off.I HAVE JUST CHANGED CRANK CASE TO CRANK SHAFT SENSOR. DOES THIS CHANGE YOUR ANSWER. THANK YOU