Cadillac stated was my Catalytic Converters. They replaces those
which were still under warranty along with the fuel filter which cost
me about 70.00. Then after replacing the Converters my Check Engine
light came back on and when initially starting the Car it was chugging
like it was gasping for breath or fuel. So I take it back to Cadillac
and he says the code is now a P0300. Which he says are clogged fuel
injectors. So I had them run fuel injector cleaners through them
twice at $120.00 per shot and also they replaced the plugs and spark
plug wires. And he said if that doesn't work then they would have to
take the engine apart and manually clean the the heads at $2400.00.
The car is running better at least it is not chugging. But the CEL
came back on and when I just turn the key to Accessories it has this
winding sound just for about 30 seconds.
Can someone help me with this Lemon of a car I bought. I can't
believe Cadillac put their name on this car and won't do anything to
help you.
Friday, January 6th, 2006 AT 12:26 PM