Drive Train Axles Bearings problem
1989 Chevy Celebrity 4 cyl Two Wheel Drive Automatic
how do I remove the axles on my car to put a new boot on it
Thursday, March 18th, 2010 AT 7:43 PM
1 Reply
48,601 POSTS
First you 'll have to take the nut off on the outside of the wheel. Then you have to take the wheel off an dthe strut loose from the control arm. Then smack the axle back with the nut on so youdon't damage the threads. After the axle is loose pull the strut out of the way and get a arge bar or large screwdriver like 2' long and pop the axle out of the trans. Then as you have lst all the grease from the axle, just get another instead of the boot and replace th ewhole axle.