Revving problems

2003 Chevrolet Cavalier, mileage 70,000 4 Cylinder

When I rev my engine, instead of it consistantly giving one long rev and climbing in rpms, when it hits 4 rpms it revs and revs and revs on its own all without me taking my foot off the gas, almost like it is hung up on something. At first it does it very fast then it slows down after 30 seconds or so.
Friday, April 27th, 2007 AT 3:41 PM

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First: If you have a check engine light on, check out your codes.

If not, most likely you are looking at a stuck throttle cable or throttle body. See if you can wedge your foot under the pedal next time and free it up.

Sometimes dirt or whatever gets into the cable and the spring on the Throttle body is not strong enough to pull back to cable. If that is the case, you will need a new cable. Don't try to grease it up, the extra grease will only attract more dirt.

If the cable goes back and forth freely (check with the engine off pulling the cable under the hood) then check your throttle body. The cable connects the the throttle body on the side to pull it open and release it. The throttle body is in the front of the engine, just behind the radiator, in the middle of the top. Follow the tube from your air filter and you'll hit it. Pull it open and make sure it snaps closed by itself.

This problem could also be caused by a bad Idle Air Controller or bad wires going to it, but that would turn the check engine light on and the code would reveal that.
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Friday, April 27th, 2007 AT 4:55 PM

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