My name is Amanda. A couple days ago I was on my way to school. As soon as I got off of the freeway, I had to come to a light. As I started to break, the car started wobbling/shaking and when I stopped it felt as if the car was going to die. My father and I had just replaced the battery a couple weeks ago so I knew it wasnt the battery. When I began to give the car gas, it kinda of did a kick. It felt as if someone had hit my car from behind and then it went forward. I drove a couple more miles to the school and everything seemed to be fine so I thought maybe it was the anti lock breaks that made the car shake as I was breaking. But as soon as I made a right turn into the school parking lot it began shaking again and making a loud grinding noise. So I pulled into a parking space and left the car. My dad and I went back and towed the car home. The car starts fine and switches gears but it wont move more than 6 inches either direction and wont move when we push it in neutral. My dad seems to think that it is a cv joint problem? Is this one of the options of what the problem might be?
Friday, August 20th, 2010 AT 2:36 PM