I have a 1979 Camaro Berlinetta with 82,000 miles. It is a small block V8. About 2 weeks ago I noticed a faint smell of gasoline which has become progressively stronger. About 6 days ago I noticed that there was a small area of wetness on the garage floor directly below the gas tank on the R side of the car. There is no change in the gas gauge (however, it is imperfect) and the exhaust runs down both sides of the vehicle. I could not locate a leak after a limited inspection (the car sits low to the ground).
I assume that this is a fuel tank leak, but how do I repair it? Is it safe to do, or should I really leave this one to a more qualified person? Perhaps I should just replace the tank. But where to find such a part?
Friday, January 6th, 2006 AT 11:25 AM