Hi carlie75,
Thank you for the donation.
What is the problem that you are facing with the brakes?
Low brake pedal?
Inefficient braking?
When calipers are replaced, bleeding has to be done. You would require an assistant to pump the brake pedal and hold while you release the bleeder bolt at caliper.
Here are the procedures.
1. Pump brake pedal a few times.
2. Hold brake pedal.
3. Release the bleeder bolt at caliper. (Attach a hose to bleeder bolt to collect the brake fluid to prevent from splashing all over)
4. Retighten bleeder bolt.
5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 till no air bubbles comes out.
Remember not to allow fluid level in master cylinder reservoir to go too low.
For bleeding, start with wheel nearest to master cylinder and move on to the next nearest with the farthest wheel last.
Friday, March 19th, 2021 AT 11:44 AM