Car will crank but will not start

  • 1.8L
  • 4 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 154,000 MILES
I've got the car listed above Turbo. It will crank over but no but will not start it was running fine and I've tried putting a aftermarket CD player in it and it quit running. So I put the factory CD player back in it and the car will crank but won't start. I changed the immobilizer and it activated it so I put the original immobilizer back in it and it deactivated it but the car still won't start. It'll turn over but won't start. I've replaced all fuses and relays and it still turns over but won't start. I'm not getting any fire to the fuel pump or fuel pump plug. What would your suggestion be to my problem if any?
Saturday, May 11th, 2019 AT 4:18 AM

1 Reply

  • 110,052 POSTS
Welcome to 2CarPros.

This is a tough one based on how it came to be. Are you certain that all wiring to the radio was replaced correctly? Were any wires cut? Also, were any ground disturbed?

Lets start at the beginning. Check fuse 37 in the fuse panel on the left side under the dash. I have attached parts of wiring schematics. That fuse powers the radio. However, I need you to confirm that none of the wiring shown in the schematic has been disturbed. The fuel pump relay is tied into that same circuit.

Also, follow the black wire from the fuel relay and confirm no damage was done at the splice. See picture 5.

Take a look and let me know what you find.

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Sunday, May 12th, 2019 AT 8:43 PM

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