Monday, August 16th, 2010 AT 3:10 PM
My mom called me stranded saying that the brakes had gone out. Pedal went all the way to floor and was making "squishy sound". I went to help and because we were in a crackhead neighborhood I would not leave her garaged 93 deville to be plundered. Or traded for a rock. Against her concern for my safety, I decided to try and drive it anywhere else but there after stopping a few times with the strength of five men against the pedal. Traffic was slow enough for me to make it all the way home. I knew it was the brake booster from past experience, and could hear the boost of air escaping from the diaphragm in booster. Removing booster revealed a tear in it and I knew what I had to do to fix. This is when the insanity began. After replacing booster, without removing master cylinder from brake lines, when I started vehicle the brake pedal drops almost to floor engaging brakes automatically. When I cut the car off it returns to normal position. Please help me stay out of jail, or from blowing up a really nice cadillac. Pending