Your vehicle has hydraulic lifters and they may have leaked down thus no pressure. This also may explain why in the removal it states in step 10 to use the camshaft holders.
You will need to rig something if you dont have these tools to hold them in place.
1. When servicing timing belt, always turn crankshaft in normal direction of rotation (clockwise).
2. Install timing belt with engine at room temperature.
3. Never remove timing belt without first setting camshaft gears and crankshaft drive gear to TDC and locking them in place.
4. Guide marks on timing belt are to aid in timing belt installation. If guide marks cannot be identified, a new belt must be installed.
NOTE: Using scan tool, check cold start counter (also called a heavy duty register). If there were any cold starts below -20 °F (-28 °C), visually inspect timing belt for cracks. If there are cracks present, DO NOT reuse the belt. Replace belt. If belt is okay and reused, DO NOT clear the cold start counter.
1. Disconnect negative battery cable. Remove air intake resonator and ducting from throttle body.
2. Raise and support vehicle. Remove lower front splash shield. Remove AIR injection crossover pipe clamps and bushing nut from front cover. See Fig. 1 . Separate air injection crossover pipe from hoses and front cover.
3. Lower vehicle. Remove air injection crossover pipe from front cover.
4. Loosen, but do not remove, water pump pulley bolts. Loosen, but do not remove, power steering pump pulley bolts. Remove A/C compressor hose strap from AIR injection crossover bracket. Remove accessory drive serpentine belt.
5. Release plastic retaining tabs, and remove wiring harness channel cover from front of engine. Move wiring harness out of way.
6. Remove water pump pulley bolts and pulley. Remove power steering pump pulley bolts and pulley. Remove accessory drive serpentine belt tensioner.
7. Remove front timing belt cover. Remove 6 harmonic balancer-to-crankshaft bolts. Remove harmonic balancer. It is NOT necessary to remove crankshaft center bolt.
8. Rotate crankshaft clockwise to 60 degrees before TDC. See Fig. 2 . Ensure timing marks are not 180 degrees from TDC.
9. Install Crankshaft Holder (J42069-10) and rotate crankshaft clockwise until holder contacts water pump. See Fig. 3 . Secure moveable lever of tool to water pump pulley flange. Camshaft timing marks should be aligned with marks on rear cover. See Fig. 4 or Fig. 5 . If not aligned, crankshaft is 180 degrees (one half turn) off.
10. To lock camshafts in place, install Camshaft Gear Holders (J42069-1 and J42069-2). See Fig. 6 . It may be necessary to loosen timing belt idler pulley and turn eccentric until holder can be inserted.
NOTE: Do not move camshafts with belt removed. Do not remove Camshaft Holders (J42069) with timing belt removed.
11. Loosen timing belt tensioner and idler pulley bolts. If reusing timing belt, mark belt with arrow to indicate original direction of rotation. Remove timing belt.

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009 AT 9:40 PM