and it runs fine for a couple of weeks. Taken to mechanic within 3 days of event and nothing is found,
computer code shows no problem. All dash warning
lights always show normal operation. This problem has
happened about 5 times in the past 8 months.
In the past year, I've noticed that my gas mileage
has decreased some what and that the car does not idle
smoothly when cold. This car has a tachometer and on
some occasions when I put the car in neutral or park,
The tach. Will move between 750 rpm and 1100 rpm
back and forth for about 5 seconds until it settles at
750rpm. I am not sure what the problem is and
the mechanics don"t know either.
The engine is tuned once a year and all services are
performed every year.
Since I have health problems and don't drive that
much, I need the car to run when I need it. And
since this problem has been going on for over a
year I would like to get it fixed so that I feel
safe driving it
Friday, November 6th, 2009 AT 10:01 AM