1991 Buick Regal Pulling a fuse to stop brake motor from dr

  • 1991 BUICK REGAL
Electrical problem
1991 Buick Regal 4 cyl Two Wheel Drive Automatic

I will try to keep this short, I have to pull the fuse for the power brake motor or it keeps running and drains the battery. I have been told that to fix the problem would require the replacement of the brake motor at a cost of $1,300, I do not have the money to do this. I have forgotten to pull the fuse several times and had to replace the battery 2 years ago. Recently, my brakes have been feeling as though I left the fuse out (not braking properly) and yesturday when I stopped for gas the car would not start (battery died) had to get a jump. It's not the starter and have been told it couldn't be the altinator. Brake fluid was my guess until yesturday but the car dying makes me wonder otherwise. Help! If I could afford it, I'd just forget it and get something else but. Thanks!
Tuesday, October 27th, 2009 AT 9:12 AM

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I'm an A.S.E. Certified mechanic and one of my specialties is "Brakes". However, I've never heard of anything like you describe. And I honestly can't make any sense out of that.

But first of all, there is no such thing as a power brake motor.

You have a "Power Brake Assist". But that is either a vacuum operated system, or it's operated by hydraulic fluid from the power steering pump. Neither one uses electricity.

Now if you have ABS brakes, then you do have "Braking Modulator" that does operate on electricity. But it should only operate when you push the brake pedal. And if it's faulty, then it should shut itself off and set an amber light on your dashboard.

Also, brake fluid will have no effect on your battery being drained.

Your best recourse is to have it looked at by a competent mechanic. If you have a friend who's handy with a test light, you can have him/her use it to probe the circuits in the fuse block. Any circuit that's using electricity while the car is off will be your suspected problem.
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Wednesday, December 30th, 2009 AT 9:05 PM

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