2003 Audi A4 6 cyl All Wheel Drive 69,000 miles
I lost my key to my car so I got a copy of a key from an autherized dealer. Proceded to tow the car to the dealer. Called to pick it up later and was then told by this service dept. That I now needed a new control modual for the engine as well as a new instument cluster. A week later, they then said I needed a new Transmission modual & as well as another modual. A few days later, they now say, they found a nickle (not a dime, nor a quarter) within the cars tip tronic magnets or gears, and that It would cost Three hundred to I guess, remove it. -I 'm sorry, but now I'm laughing. I only went there to program a good key, that they got for me, after providing my I.D and vehicle title. Please tell me what if any thing, could have gone wrong here. Thanks so much for your time and help!
Monday, January 14th, 2008 AT 10:44 PM