Replacing the alternator on this vehicle will require you to work both under it and above. AS far as replacing it, you shouldn't have trouble.
First, here is a link which shows in general how one is replaced. You can use it as a guide:
Here are the directions specific to your vehicle. The attached pic correlates with the directions.
2006 Nissan-Datsun Altima V6-3.5L (VQ35DE)
Vehicle Starting and Charging Charging System Alternator Service and Repair Procedures
Removal and Installation
1. Disconnect the negative battery terminal.
2. Remove radiator.
3. Remove front/right-side engine undercover.
4. Remove the drive belt.
5. Remove idler pulley.
6. Remove the generator adjustable top mount, using power tools.
7. Remove the generator lower mount bolt and nuts, using power tools.
8. Remove the generator lower front bracket bolt, using power tools.
9. Disconnect the generator harness connectors.
10. Slide the generator out and remove.
pic 1
Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have other questions.
Take care and God Bless,
Image (Click to make bigger)
Thursday, March 4th, 2021 AT 9:03 PM