1998 Questions for all other cars flooded engine and white s

Engine Mechanical problem
1998 Questions for all other cars Engine Size unknown 120000 miles

Hi 3 months ago I drove my peugeot 306 diesel turbo P. Reg through a flood and it was too high and it stalled. A week later the car dried out and start however after 3 minutes alot of smoke is emitted by the exhaust. My intention is to fix the car but I need some guidance on where to start, I have changed the oil and oil fitler but no change. I would prefer not to buy a new engine either.

Thank you

Monday, March 17th, 2008 AT 12:44 PM

3 Replies

  • 129 POSTS
Could be several problems. Need more information!

How long did you run the engine?

Was the engine ever water locked in the cylinders?

What does the smoke smell like?

How smooth does the engine run?

1. If you sucked cold water into the intake, you could have cracked the cylinder head.

2. Could be the exhaust is water logged and is burning out the moisture.

More info would help in diagnosis.
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Monday, March 17th, 2008 AT 9:31 PM
  • 2 POSTS
Hi, thank you for your responce

In the flood I stupidly turned key to start it again which didnt help and locked the cylinders I think? I had a mechanic come look at it a few days after and he got it started.

I have ran the engine a few times but only ran it for a few minutes till the white smoke comes out the exhaust.

Have drove the car round my village (about a mile) to see if it just water vapour in the exhaust but the engine seemed really sluggish

The gearbox was crunchy and difficult to find gear

A mechanic cannot come for a few day so will it hurt to take the head off and have a look for any obvious damage?

Is there anything else you could recommend I do before the mechanic comes round to save time and money?

Thank you for your help
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Tuesday, March 18th, 2008 AT 8:50 AM
  • 129 POSTS
One question I forgot to ask. Did you clean the water out of the air filter housing?

Water or coolant will not compress like air does. If you have water or coolant still getting into the engine ( even a small amount ) it will result in a certain amount of steam ( whiteish in color if it is antifreeze ) coming out the exhaust pipe. The engine will also run sluggish because the water vaporizes and dilutes the fuel vapor resulting in a very bad mixture in the cylinders and no power.

I believe you are still sucking water ( from the flood ) or coolant into the engine through one or more of the following areas:

1. Water in the air filter being sucked into the engine, resulting in poor performance and smoking.

2. Cracked cylinder head. ( From cold water being compressed into the cylinders, produces rapid expansion of steam and creates more pressure than the head or gaskets can contain and the rapid cooling of combustion face can crack the head. Results in poor performance and smoking.

3. Damaged turbo ( from the rapid cooling of the flood water ) resulting in poor performance. If oil seal from the turbo bearings is damaged, oil will leak into the turbo and cause smoking.

4. Water in the fuel tank causeing all the above. Do you have a water filter on this car? Check for water in it.

You may take it apart, but cracks may be hard to find without magnafluxing the surfaces. A machine shop will probably be needed.

Might be better to wait and let the mechanic diagnose further.

Keep in contact and I will help if I can.
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Tuesday, March 18th, 2008 AT 5:35 PM

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