Transmission problems

  • 2008 SATURN VUE
  • 3.6L
  • 92,000 MILES
My car developed transmission problems a couple of months ago. I want to sell it and I was wondering if it is better to get some other issues fixed before putting it on the market (e.G. I need to get the brake pads replaced)? Also, there are some scratches on the outside. Is it worth paying to get these and any other minor issues fixed before selling the car? I am trying to get the highest possible price for it because my financial situation is not good right now, and I need to use the funds to buy a drivable car. Any thoughts on whether fixing the less serious issues before selling is worth it?
Friday, July 21st, 2017 AT 5:34 PM

1 Reply

  • 2,292 POSTS
Having been a used car dealer years ago, I can tell you that there is no sense in fixing the scratches whatsoever. It will cost you fifty times what it is worth to get them done. As for the brakes, if you do the work yourself or have a friend that can help you out, you can get out for $25.00 or less, and take away a $100.00 negotiating edge that the buyer has. But the transmission is still going to hurt its value.

Personally, I would just wash it and vacuum it and sell it as is with a firm (ish) price.

I would like to know if you have actually had it checked though. Sometimes a seemingly huge problem can boil down to something simple, and a lot of transmission shops will at least check it for you for free or cheap.
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Friday, July 21st, 2017 AT 6:19 PM

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