I got a 2001 Acura TL. That once again has a tranny issue. I know these are infamous but I shouldn't have this problem. Here is a quick bio:
1. Got tranny rebuilt in January 2010
2. Had to come back to mechanic to fix solenoids that failed. (March 2010)
3. One solenoid that did not get fixed in time, burned out a few plates, so he took tranny down and did partial rebuild in (June 2010), and car was running good, but the lights came back on. The car ran fine except for it has a very slow acceleration. When it gets up to higher speeds its fine
Now, about 3 weeks ago he had to replace the Shift Solenoid, or solenoid A (the big one on top of the transmission) and he replaced it with a used one, that failed. So I took the car to Acura last week (August 11th), and had gotten that same solenoid changed with a brand new one and the ran Great! I had the full power back and the car ran excellent! You would think the problem is fixed! WELL, THINK AGAIN!
I drove the car about an hour to Queens, and then when I got there the lights came back, and the car started doing the slow acceleration thing again. Now I got the infamous P1768 code along with the TCS light on and the blinking D5 light:
Pressure control solenoid valve"A" circuit failure
- Low Transmission Fluid (I got that changed last week when the Acura man replaced the solenoid)
- Open or short circuit condition
-Poor Connection
-Failed PCS Solenoid A
Someone please help me because I have to drive from New York to Georgia in a few weeks, and although my car would probably make it, I don't want any scandals. I know I need a new battery cause its a little weak, but I still powers my car fine in the summer. Can anyone please tell me what I can do?
Sunday, August 15th, 2010 AT 7:36 PM