First you will have determine where is the leak coming from. If it is from the radiator, then changing the radiator will likely fix the problem.
Please note that many times the leaks are from one of the radiator hoses or bypass hoses.
Here is a helpful article of common coolant leaks:
When you add coolant to the radiator, first make sure that the engine is cool and not hot. If the engine is hot it can cause the coolant to burst out of the radiator and could be dangerous.
You can also pressure test the radiator for any leaks. There is a easy to use tool that adds pressure to the radiator system to see if there is any leak. This tool can be borrowed from just about any parts store.
Here is a helpful guide of how to change the radiator:
I have also attached the radiator replacement procedure as well as capacity of coolant for your RSX.
Please let me know of any questions.
Thank you.
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Tuesday, July 27th, 2021 AT 8:47 PM