This may be a few things. The intelligent power distribution box under the hood may have failed and sending power at all times.
Do you hear the window motors trying to operate in the up position only? In other words, they can't move any further but are still trying? Also, if you lost control of the blower motor, then the problem could be a short to ground, a faulty controller, or the body control module may have failed.
The idea that a group of fuses failed is my concern. I need to know which ones they are. Also, are you able to turn the blower motor off if you remove one fuse at a time from the IPDM (fuse box under the hood)?
Let me know. Also, let me know if you smell anything hot, electrical, and if you are able to identify a fuse that turns off the blower motor. Additionally, I have a feeling that the fusible link "I" has failed causing the fuses to lose power.
I attached a pic of the under-hood fuse box and highlighted the fusible link to check.
Let me know what you find, which fuses lost power, and if there is a fuse that turns off the blower motor.
Take care,
See pic below.
Image (Click to make bigger)
Friday, March 18th, 2022 AT 8:03 PM