Thursday, October 3rd, 2019 AT 3:58 PM
Looking at a friends car, A/C is only blowing warm air. They said it has been getting worse for the past few months and today not blowing cold air at all. I checked and the compressor clutch is engaging, it spins freely when off. Not like a box fan or anything. But I don't feel any resistance. Checked the 134 in it and it was reading 65 on the low side in 2 different gauges. If tapped the valve maybe 3 times for all of 1 second each to let a little out and the gauge then read around 40 lbs, which makes no sense I know I did t release 20 lbs of pressure. No leak in the high or low valves. Condenser doesn't look like its leaking and the interior selector switch works fine. Could it be the condenser dryer? Compressor control valve? Trying to figure out the best way to run this down. Thanks for any help!