My truck was out of commission with a no crank no start. It took me a few weeks to fix it (thank you Joe). The problem was a broken ground wire to the starter relay. I have been driving it around and the air conditioning isn't working. So, I put my gages on, and I had 20 on the low side and 20 on the high side.
I looked for a leak using a spray bottle filled with dish soap and water used that to find any leaks, with the truck running and with it off and I didn't find any leaks. The low side was 20 and the high side was 20. I had a can of R-134a so I added some to the low side. That brought up the low side up to 30 and the low side didn't budge.
Last Summer I know that I put the proper amount of R-134a and oil in the system. And I confirmed I didn't have any leaks when I vacuumed the system before I added the R-134a. See the video.
Saturday, May 18th, 2024 AT 2:34 PM