Okay, so the other day my A/C was working fine then the very next day I get in my car to go places and my A/C was not cooling. But if I have the A/C on the lowest setting it blows a little cool and the compressor clutch engages and disengages. On high the clutch just spins and spins and spins. I thought I was low on Freon the first guy I took it to said no. You need a new compressor. The reading on the gauges seemed weird to me. The low side was reading okay it was in the forties and the high side was reading low with just under 200. Well I waited a few days and took it to someone else. This guy told me my compressor was weak. But this time the readings on the machine were different from the first time. Now the low side is fluctuating between 37 and 42 and the high side was just over 200 I will guesstimate about 203 or so. I went around to different auto part shops and Honda looking for a compressor and they all told me different things I should do instead of this and this and this. I had a friend who worked on home A/C units tell me it has nothing to do with the compressor. So now at this point I do not know what to do. Can you help me?
Wednesday, August 9th, 2017 AT 7:42 PM